Market Gardens
CSA Food Box
distribution and marketing
Market gardens around Southern Vancouver Island are growing – leading the way, an information bridge, sustainable farming systems and better distribution of local food.
Jericho cafe has been researching, growing, cooking, and selling products within the food business for forty years. Jericho cultivating relationships with chefs, restaurateurs, growers, wholesalers, and brokers. Through our discussions with these industry insiders, we learned that there is a need for quality specialized products within the local food business that is not being met by the global food companies.
The distribution model has two very distinct supply chains- restaurants and retail grocery. The grocery model is usually a global food chain and a limited access to local produce.
Farmers worried about the loss of farm sales from local restaurants, because of covid mandates, supply chain issues, began looking for alternative marketing, they saw a form of food distribution called Community Supported Agriculture (CSA).
Consumers looking to support southern Vancouver Island farms, began investing at the beginning of the growing season, providing the farmer with a much-needed cash flow, and as the season progresses, the customer gets a supply of fresh seasonal and local produce at a fair price every week.
Jericho Directory
Jericho has been researching, growing, cooking, and selling products in the food business for forty years. Developing relationships with many chefs, restaurateurs, growers, wholesalers, and brokers. Through discussions with these people, we realized that the need for quality specialized products in the Food Business was not adequately met by the larger distribution companies.
The “Ghost in the Machine” showed the most relevant characteristics of today’s industrial food system which are specialization, standardization, and consolidation which achieves the economic efficiencies or increased profit or economies of large-scale food production and distribution. While such systems can be very economically efficient, it showed the risk and unsustainability and possible udder collapse of such system.